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Christ-Centered | Couples | Week 4

Cycle 4 | Week 4

Let's start with an video!

Cgroup Couples - Christ Centered - Week Four - Love the Least

Connecting With God

Someone pray for God to be with you and guide you through the meeting.

Confirming The Cgroup Values


Committed: We are committed to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving others like He loves us.

Confidential: We value and trust each other, so we share openly and honestly with each other and what is shared in the group stays in the group.

Changing: We are growing to be more like Jesus, obeying His commands and filled with His Spirit.

Christ-Centered: In Jesus, we find God’s presence to guide us, His grace to forgive us, and His power to change us.

AcCountable: We encourage each other, help each other and expect each other to love and live like Jesus.

Connected: We meet every week, pray for each other every day, and share our lives as we obey and follow Jesus together.

Capable: By His Holy Spirit, God gives us the love and power we need to obey and follow Jesus.

Commissioned: We are all commissioned by Jesus to make disciples, so we are all committed to starting new cgroups for others who are ready to follow Jesus.

Consistent: We consistently follow this guide because it is based on God’s word and it helps equip each member to lead cgroups and to make disciples.

Connecting Through Scripture

(About 20 min)

Scripture Memory

Review last week’s scipture memory 

This week’s scripture memory is 1 Peter 4:10 

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Lesson Scripture

Someone pray for God to speak through His word. Then someone read the following passages.

1 Peter 4:8-11

8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Video Lesson

Discussion Questions

In your discussion, apply the truths of this passage to you Cgroup and/or your CU@Home group:

How do you feel you are doing at loving each other deeply?

Why is offering hospitality important for your Cgroup or CU@Home group?

What gifts have you received that you can use to serve the others in the group? (Think about what you like to do, that you do pretty well and that could bless others in your group.)

Is there anything that you feel you need to speak to the group that you believe is from God?

Is there any way that you want to serve the group that require God's strength at work in you?

What is the reason for speaking and serving this way?

Caring For Unconnected Friends

(about 5 mins)

Caring for unconnected friends (P.A.L.S.)

Take turns reading the simple steps for reaching out to unconnected friends (PALS).

  • PRAY: We pray because we love them.
  • ASK: We ask questions because we care.
  • LISTEN: We listen to understand them.
  • SHARE: We share what Jesus has done in our lives and what He can do in theirs.

Each member answer one or more of the following questions:

  • Who would you like the group to join you in praying for this week?
  • What question do you need to ask an unconnected friend to show that you care?
  • How have you grown in your love for an unconnected friend as you have listened to them and the Holy Spirit this week?
  • Who do you need to share the gospel or your testimony with this week?
  • Is there an unconnected friend you need to invite to a community group?
  • Do you need to start a new Cgroup for someone who is ready to follow Jesus?

Connecting Through Sharing

(About 10 min)

Let each person choose and answer one Confession Question and one Celebration Question. (Please be concise so everyone has time to share.)

Share your confessions

  • What has been your greatest challenge or temptation recently?
  • What intentional or unintentional sins do you need to confess?
  • What doubts or questions do you have?
  • Have you communicated or connected with someone this week in a way that was tempting or inappropriate?
  • Have you watched, read or listened to anything this week that could be considered pornographic or inappropriate?
  • Is there something God is telling you to share even though you would rather not?

Share your celebrations

  • What has God done that you want to praise and thank Him for?
  • When did God give you victory over a temptation?
  • When were you obedient to God, and how did it turn out?
  • How have you seen God at work in your life?

Commitment To Life Change

 (about 5 mins)

• Based on what God has shown me today, what am I going to start, stop or continue doing this week?

• committing to a Daily Bible Reading Plan (see Daily Readings in the Christ United app or christislove.org/daily-devotions)

Accountability And Connection

 (about 5 mins)

• How are we going to connect to encourage each other during the week?

• When are we going to connect for worship and the word this week?

• When are we connecting to serve together this month?

• When are we connecting again for fun and fellowship?

• Who missed this cgroup meeting? Who is going to reach out to them?

Go Deeper