WATCH THIS AND GET READY FOR 2025 CLICK HERE to watch recording of Discipleship Training "Get Ready to Multiply in 2025"


God's vision for Christ United

We are gathering in small church communities. 

We are going out on mission among the lost showing God’s love through action and sharing God’s love with words. 

We are inviting unconnected people to discover what the Bible reveals about God and people.

We are identifying and equipping person’s of peace who connect their family and friends to a discovery group. 

We are coaching the person’s of peace as God carry’s their group through commitment to Christ and discipleship through cgroup, and ultimately into a new small church community that goes out on mission to repeat the process.

Twelve Sails with Hand Signals

Surrender to the Holy Spirit  (Hands Lifted)

Love God  (One Hand over Heart) Love People (Other Hand over Heart)

Prioritize Prayer (Hands Folded in Prayer)

Build on God’s Word (Hands Held Like Open Bible)

Train to Obey (Hands Like Curling Dumbbells)

Focus on the Mission (One Hand to Eye Like Binoculars) Share the Vision (Other Hand to Eye Like Binoculars) 

Go Out of Among the Lost  (Hands Going Out, Palms Down and Spreading Fingers) Show God’s Love in Action (Turn Left Hand Over)  Share God’s Love with Words(Turn Right Hand Over)

Invite people to Discover (Come to Me Motion with Fingers)

Identify persons of peace (thumbs up) 

Disciple them in a relationship with God (forefinger up) and others (all fingers up)

Equip new church communities to multiply disciples (hands moving)

Stay in Connected with those who make us stronger (bring hands in and interlock fingers)