Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

YOUTH – What Do I Believe

“I’ve done the church thing.  It’s easy to let all that teaching go in one ear and out the other.  I think it’s time to know what I really believe, and really believe what I already know.”

1 – God the Father Almighty              Maker of heaven and earth    Genesis 1:1-2:3

2 – Jesus Christ                                  An angel visits Mary               Luke 1:26-38

3 – Holy Spirit                                     The Spirit shakes things up    Acts 4:1-31

4 – Christian Church                           The cost in “being there”        Acts 4:32-37

5 – Forgiveness of Sins                      Jesus: my substitute               Mark 15:1-15

6 – Resurrection and Life                   A new day dawns                   Matthew 28:1-20