Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

YOUTH – Getting Along With Parents

“In my parents’ eyes, I can’t do anything right.  I don’t look right, act right, study right, spend money right or pick friends right.  As long as I’m still at home, will I always be wrong?”

1 – Parental Requests                        Jesus and his mom at a wedding   John 2:1-11

2 – Parental Expectations                  A mother’s dream                   Matthew 20:20-28

3 – Family Tension                             When Jesus didn’t come home   Luke 2:41-52

4 – Dealing with Frustrations              Jesus and his family               Mark 3:20-35

5 – Arguing Over Relationships         Samson and his women         Judges 14:1-20

6 – Making Things Right                     A son returns home                Luke 15:11-32