Next CU Together Service October 6th, 10AM, at the Hub

YOUTH – Discovering My Real Identity

“I know I’m good at some things and no so good at others.  I don’t want to be weird, but I do want to be myself.  What makes me unique?  How can I be all that I was meant to be?”

1 – Being Real                                    A Pharisee and a tax collector   Luke 18:9-14

2 – My Uniqueness                             Zacchaeus                              Luke 19:1-10

3 – My Personality                              Mary and Martha                    Luke 10:38-42

4 – My Abilities                                   Using your ‘talents’                 Matthew 25:14-30

5 – Strengths and Weaknesses         Gideon’s fears                        Judges 6:1-40

6 – God’s Call                                     Following Jesus                      Luke 5:1-11