Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

Singles - Love and Loneliness

 “I often go for days without a hug or meaningful conversation. Sometimes singleness is like being a social leper. How can I deal with this isolation?”

“I wish I could talk to other women about some things I can’t escape. Like questions and feelings about career vs. family. About roles at home and in the community. And issues that require trust to even bring up.”

1 – I Don’t Fit Anywhere                     Elijah in the wilderness           I Kings 19:1-18

2 – My Need for a Loving Touch        A touching act                         Luke 7:36-50

3 – My Need for Communication        Early connections                   Acts 2:42-47

4 – My Need for Companionship        God provides a companion    Genesis 2:4-25

5 – Busyness vs. Loneliness              Jesus’ life of balance              Mark 1:29-39

6 – Making the Most of My Life          Lydia: a servant open to God  Acts 16:11-15