Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

Singles - Issues Singles Face

“What kinds of friends do I look for?  How do I keep from being burned again?  Should I live in community or alone? Should I go back to school or volunteer overseas?  What does God want me to do?

1 – Whom to Pick for Friends             David’s friendship of character   I Samuel 20:1-42

2 – When to Risk With Others            Seventy-seven times              Matthew 18:21-35

3 – Where to Live                               Israel’s cloud of guidance       Numbers 9:15-10:36

4 – How to Spend My Life                  The Good Samaritan              Luke 10:25-37

5 – Where to Use My Talents             David in Saul’s service           I Samuel 16:14-23

6 – What About the Future?               Noah waits on God                 Genesis 8:1-22