Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

Singles - How To Find a Partner

“The singles bar is a drag . . . but the church scene isn’t much better.  I’m about ready to give up on a real relationship and forget the whole dating game.”

1 – Where Should I Look?                  Isaac looks for love               Genesis 24:1-29 and Genesis 24:50-67          

2 – Staying Disciplined                       Samson loses control             Judges 14:1-20

3 – Finding the Right Fit                     Priscilla and Aquila                 Acts 18:1-4 and Acts 18:18-28

4 – Making Myself “Right”                  Solomon desires God’s best   I Kings 3:1-28

5 – What About My Fears?                Gideon overcomes his fears   Judges 6:1-40

6 – When God Says “Wait”                Jacob and Rachel wait           Genesis 29:1-30