Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

RECOVERY – Picking Up After Divorce

“The divorce is final, but I still feel numb.  On the outside, things haven’t changed that much.  But on the inside, it’s another matter.  I feel lost.  Alone with my anger.  How can I ever start to heal?”

1 – The Death of a Dream                  Naomi: empty and bitter         Ruth 1:1-22

2 – Dealing with Anger                       Cain and Abel                         Genesis 4:1-26

3 – Taking the High Road                  The unmerciful servant           Matthew 18:21-35

4 – Lost Identity                                  Jesus heals an ‘unclean’ woman   Mark 5:24-34

5 – God Cares                                    Elijah and a single mother      I Kings 17:1-24

6 – Hope for Healing                          On the road to Emmaus         Luke 24:13-35