Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

MARRIAGE – Spiritually Single

“Since we’ve been married, my husband won’t come to church with me.  I want our children to grow up with Christian teaching, but he doesn’t back me up.  How can I please God and my husband?”

1 – Don’t Give Up                               A household conversion         Acts 16:16-40

2 – God’s Love and Ours                   Abraham pleads for Sodom  Genesis 18:16-33

3 – Putting Things in God’s Hands    Abraham’s greatest test         Genesis 22:1-19

4 – Who’s Number 1?                         Take a warning from Solomon  I Kings 10:23-11:13

5 – God is at Work                              Praying for Peter in prison      Acts 12:1-19

6 – Your Spiritual Family                    Mary and John at the cross    John 19:16-27