Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

MARRIAGE – Getting Along at Home

“We don’t have a bad relationship, but why isn’t marriage more fun?  I want to be my spouse’s best friend – as well as lover.  How can I do a better job of living with the one I married?”

1 – In Good Times and Bad          Isaac and Rebekah;1st love  Genesis 24:1-29 and Genesis 24:50-67

2 – Love, Honor and Cherish         Ruth and Boaz; mutual respect  Ruth 2:1-23

3 – ‘Til Death Do Us Part              Jacob and Rachel; worth the wait  Genesis 29:1-30

4 – Serving One Another              Footwashing; whose job is it?      John 13:1-17

5 – Friends                                      Adam and Eve; one flesh       Genesis 2:4-25

6 – And Lovers                              Celebrate difference!     Song of Songs 6:13-8:4