Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

MARRIAGE – Balancing Work and Home

“We both have so many demands for our time and energy.  How can we give our best to our work without it coming at the expense of our family?  I don’t want to lose what we’re supposed to be working for!”

1 – Teammates                                   Adam and Eve; one flesh       Genesis 2:4-25

2 – Roommates                                  Martha in the kitchen            Luke 10:38-42

3 – Work and Stress                           Workers in the vineyard        Matthew 20:1-16

4 – Stress management                     Jesus deals with demands    Mark 1:29-39

5 – Serving Each Other                      Footwashing                          John 13:1-17

6 – Faithful and Fulfilled                    Priscilla and Aquila work together Acts 18:1-4 and Acts 18:18-28