Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

Marketplace - Too Much Stress!

“The stress I’m under every day is incredible. Deadlines, projects, personnel – plus home and family. If I don’t find a way to release some of this pressure, I’m gonna crack!”

1 – Stress From My Work Calm for the storm Mark 4:35-41

2 – Stress on the Job Sexual harassment Genesis 39:1-23

3 – Stress in a Secular World Abraham pleads for Sodom Genesis 18:16-33

4 – Stress From a Changing World Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9

5 – Balancing Work and Rest Jesus feeds 5000 Mark 6:30-44

6 – Keeping Stress Under Control Moses gets a grip Exodus 17:1-16