Next CU Together Service August 4th, 10AM, at the Hub

Marketplace - Relationships at Work

“I don’t know which is worse – working under someone or supervising others. I’ve done both and either way I’ve been frustrated. How can I get along with the people I work with?”

1 – Life with My Co-workers Who is greatest? Mark 10:35-45

2 – Life with My Boss David spares Saul I Samuel 24:1-22

3 – Life as a Supervisor Boaz lets Ruth glean Ruth 2:1-23

4 – Life with my Competitors Elisha deals in strength & grace  2 Kings 6:8-23

5 – Letting God Be The Boss Gideon takes orders from God  Judges 7:1-25

6 – Letting the Spirit Guide Me Paul follows the Lord’s lead Acts 18:5-17