Next CU Together Service October 6th, 10AM, at the Hub

Daily Journal

Add Journaling to enhance your daily time with God.

Journaling Guide

Journaling is essentially writing out your prayers to God. Some people write out their entire prayers to God and others simply capture the essence of what they have prayed in short notes. Either way, it captures your conversation with God.

Some people journal on their computers. Some people purchase special journals. Some people simply write in any notebook they find handy. It is totally up to you. Again, this is between you and God. Journaling does not have to be eloquent or lengthy. It just needs to be honest and real. A few honest words are all that are needed to capture what you are saying to God and what you believe He is saying to you.

We recommend using one of two simple patterns as you begin journaling. You can use one of these patterns or develop your own. This journal is between you and God, so make it yours and His.

One pattern is to use is to P.R.A.Y into His Word

Start by writing out a prayer asking God to speak to you through His word.

Next read at least the New Testament reading from the daily reading.

Journal your prayers in response to what God speaks to you through His word using the PRAY acronym.

Praise - Praise Him for who He is and what he has done.

Repentance - Repent of (Turn From) any sin you have to confess.

Asking - Ask for anything you need for yourself and for others.

Yielding - Yield to God's will by committing to obey what He has spoken to you.

Another pattern to use is S.O.A.P

Start by writing out a prayer asking God to speak to you through His word.

Then follow the SOAP pattern as you read and pray.

Scripture – Read at least the New Testament reading from the daily reading. Pick one verse that really spoke to you in today’s Bible reading. Literally write out that verse. Writing it out reinforces it in your mind and heart and allows God to further speak to you through that verse. 

Observation – Now write a one or two sentence observation about that verse. What is God saying in this verse?

Application – Now write a one or two sentence application from that verse. What do you need to start, stop or continue doing in order to obey what you have read? 

Prayer – Write a prayer in response to what God has shown you being sure to ask Him for everything you need to obey what He has spoken to you.