Next Gathering, April 6th, 4pm Watch Message From March Gathering Click Here To Watch


Got questions?

What should I wear?

We don't have a dress code. If you're wearing jeans, hats, or an old beer shirt, you'll fit right in.

What time should I show up?

Our 1st Sunday of every month in-person service starts at 10:00 am. Our CU at Home communities may have different start times and different days. Either way, we recommend showing up about 10 minutes early.

Why church in homes?

Based on more than fifty "one another" commands in the New Testament, we expect a lot of love among Christians when they gather. Based on the way Paul describes the church in 1 Corinthians and Ephesians, we would expect to see people contributing their spiritual gifts and making disciples. So we picture people living like a true family inside and outside of the gathering.

In order to help us truly love each other, we've committed to having churches of 10-20 people meeting in homes. Once you get to 30 or 50 people it becomes more difficult to live like a family, truly knowing each other, carrying each other's burdens and building each other up. Many churches will do this in the form of a community group, which is great. Sometimes, maybe too often, people view a Sunday morning big gathering as the primary context of church, and the community group as optional. For us, we want everyone to opt into the sharing life, and therefore the primary context of church for them is a spiritual family of 10-20 people.

Another reason we meet in homes is because of the financial implications. Far too often, reliance on buildings means a big budget increase in order to have growth. By meeting in homes and not having a church building, we have the option to scale exponentially without it being expensive. This also allows us to use more of our financial resources more strategically to the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples.

I'm LGBTQ. Can I come?

Yes! While Biblical Authority is one of our values, we think you'll find that we're not a community that throws stones. It's our hope that you feel welcome and comfortable when you're with us.